This bibliography of research papers and books by TROLL users around the world provides an excellent overview of their TROLL applications. Some references on statistical methods that have been incorporated into TROLL have also been included. If you would like your research to be included, please send the publications or at least the references to Intex Solutions, Inc., 110 A Street, Needham, MA 02494-2807, USA; E-mail: We update the bibliography continually and would like to make it as comprehensive as possible.
Aglietta, Michel; Rabah Arezki; Regis Breton; Jean Chateau; Jacky Fayolle; Michel Juillard; Cyrille Lacu; Jacques Le Cacheux; Bronka Rzepkowski and Vincent Touzé, (2001), "INGENUE, a Multi-Regional, Computable General Equilibrium, Overlapping-Generations Model (second version)", CEPII, CEPREMAP, MINI-University of Paris X and OFCE, Paris, France. (
Aglietta, Michel; Jean Chateau; Jacky Fayolle; Michel Juillard; Jacques Le Cacheux; Gilles Le Garrec and Vincent Touzé, (2007), "Pension reforms in Europe: An investigation with a computable OLG world model," Economic Modelling, 24-3, pp 481-505.
Alfsen, Knut H. and Solveig Glomsrød, (1986), "Future Emissions to Air in Norway: Forecasts Based on the Macroeconomic Model MSG-4E," Statistical Journal of the United Nations, ECE 4, pp 219236, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Alfsen, Knut H., Donald A. Hanson, and Solveig Glomsrød, (1986), "Direct and Indirect Effects of Reducing SO2 Emissions: Experimental Calculations on the MSG-4E Model," Discussion Paper, No. 20, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo.
Anderson, Gary, and George Moore, (1985) "A Linear Algebraic Procedure for Solving Linear Perfect Foresight Models," Economic Letters, 17, pp 247-252, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Armstrong, John, Richard Black, Douglas Laxton and David Rose, (1995), "The Bank of Canada's New Quarterly Projection Model; Part 2, A Robust Method for Simulating Forward-Looking Models," Technical Report No. 73, Bank of Canada, Ottawa
Bartolini, Leonardo; Assaf Razin, and Steve Symansky, (1995), "G-7 Fiscal Restructuring in the 1990s: Macroeconomic effects," Economic Policy, April 1995, pp 111-146.
Bartolini, Leonardo, and Steve Symansky, (1993) "Unemployment and Wage Dynamics in MULTIMOD", in Staff Studies for the World Economic Outlook, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC, pp 7685.
Bayoumi, Tamim, Peter Clark, Steve Symansky and Mark Taylor, (1994), "Robustness of Equilibrium Exchange Rate Calculations to Alternative Assumptions and Methodologies", IMF Working Paper, WP/94/17, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC.
Bayoumi, Tamim, Daniel Hewitt and Steve Symansky, (1993), "The Impact of Worldwide Military Spending Cuts on Developing Countries", IMF Working Paper, WP/93/86, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC.
Bayoumi, Tamim, (2004), "GEM A New International Macroeconomic Model," Occasional Paper 239, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC. (
Belsley, David A., (1974), "Estimation of systems of simultaneous equations, and computational specification of GREMLIN". in Annals of Economic and Social Measurement 3-4, October 1974, pp 551-614.
Belsley, David A., (1986), "Centering, the Constant, First-Differencing, and Assessing Conditioning," in Model Reliability, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp 117152.
Belsley, David A., Edwin Kuh, and Roy E. Welsch, (1980), Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Bergan, Roar, (1987), "The Effects of Fiscal Policy in MODAG A," Reprint Series No. 25, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Macroeconomic Medium-Term Models in the Nordic Countries, Eds. O. Bjerkholt and J. Rosted, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Bergan, Roar, Ådne Cappelen, Svein Longva, and Nils Martin Stølen, (1986), "MODAG A A Medium Term Annual macroeconomic Model of the Norwegian Economy," Discussion Paper No. 18, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo.
Berger, Kjell, Ådne Cappelen, and Ingvild Svendsen, (1988), "Investment Booms in an Oil Economy The Norwegian Case," Discussion Paper No. 29, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo.
Berger, Kjell, Ådne Cappelen, Vidar Knudsen, and Kjell Roland, (1988), "The Impact on the Norwegian Economy of Lower Oil Prices," Interne Notater 88/4, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo.
Biørn, Erik, Morten Jensen, and Morten Reymert, (1987), "KVARTS A Quarterly Model of the Norwegian Economy," Reprint Series No. 18, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Economic Modelling, January, 1987.
Bjerkholt, O.; K.A. Brekke and R. Choudhury (1996): "The Century Model on the Long Term Sustainability of the Saudi Arabian Economy," Documents 96/7, Statistics Norway.
Bjerkholt, O.; R. Choudhury and K.A. Magnussen (1997): "From dates to oil The Economic Development in Saudi Arabia 1970-2000," Økonomiske Analyser 5/97, Statistics Norway.
Black, Richard; Douglas Laxton, David Rose, and Robert Tetlow, (1994) "The Bank of Canadas New Quarterly Projection Model; Part 1, the Steady-State Model" SSQPM Technical report no. 72, Bank of Canada, Ottawa.
Black, Richard; Tiff Macklem, and David Rose, (1997) "On Policy Rules for Price Stability," forthcoming in Price Stability, Inflation Targets and Monetary Policy, Proceeding of a conference held at the Bank of Canada, 3-4 May 1997.
Black Richard, Vincenzo Cassino, Aaron Drew, Eric Hansen, Benjamin Hunt, David Rose and Alasdair Scott, (1997), "The Forecasting and Policy System: the core model," Reserve Bank of New Zealand Research Paper 43. (
Blanchard, Olivier Jean, and C. Kahn (1980). "The Solution of Linear Difference Models Under Rational Expectations," Econometrica 48, pp 1305-1311.
Bowitz, Einar and Torbjørn Eika, (1989), "KVARTS-86, A Quarterly Macroeconomic Model: Formal Structure and Empirical Characteristics," Rapporter 89/2, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo.
Boutillier, Michel, and Pascal Jacquinot, (1995), "Causality and dynamic analysis of MEFISTO: the monetary and financial model of the Banque de France," in Methods and Applications of Economic Dynamics, Eds. L. Shoonbeek, E. Sterken and S.K. Kuipers, Elsevier Science B.V.
Brendemoen, Anne and Haakon Vennemo, (1994), "A climate treaty and the Norwegian economy: A CGE assessment," Energy Journal 15(1), 7995.
Brendemoen, Anne and Haakon Vennemo, (1996), "The marginal cost of funds in the presence of environmental externalities," Scandinavian Journal of Economics 98(3), 405422.
Brodin, P. Anders and Ragnar Nymoen, (1989), "The Consumption Function in Norway: Breakdown and Reconstruction," Arbeidsnotat, 1989/7, Research Department, Norges Bank, Oslo.
Brodin, P. Anders and Ragnar Nymoen, (1991), "Wealth Effects and Exogeneity: The Norwegian Consumption Function, 1966 (1)1989 (4)" Arbeidsnotat, 1991/1, Research Department, Norges Bank, Oslo.
Brodin, P. Anders and Ragnar Nymoen, (1992), "Wealth Effects and Exogeneity: The Norwegian Consumption Function," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 54, 431454.
Bruaset, Are Magnus, (1996), "Efficient Solution of Linear Equations Arising in a Nonlinear Economic Model," in Computational Economic Systems: Models, Methods and Econometrics, Ed. Manfred Gilli, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
Bryant, Ralph C. and Long Zhang, (1996), "Intertemporal Fiscal Policy in Macroeconomic Models: Introduction and Major Alternatives," Brookings Discussion Papers In International Economics No. 123, Brookings Institution, Washington DC
Bryant, Ralph C. and Long Zhang, (1996), "Alternative Specifications of Intertemporal Fiscal Policy in a Small Theoretical Model," Brookings Discussion Papers In International Economics No. 124, Brookings Institution, Washington DC
Bureau of Economic and Business Research, (Third Quarter, 1989), The Florida Outlook, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fl. Published quarterly.
Bye, Brita (2000), "Environmental Tax Reform and Producer Foresight: An Intertemporal Computable General Equilibrium Analysis," Journal of Policy Modeling 22(6):719752.
Bye, Brita and Turid Åvitsland, (2003), "The welfare effects of housing taxation in a distorted economy: a general equilibrium analysis," Economic Modelling, 20-5, pp 895921.
Bye, T.; R. Choudhury; M. Hardarson and P. Hardarson (2001): "The ISM Model A CGE model for the Icelandic Economy", Documents 2001/1, Statistics Norway. (
Cadiou, Loïc; Stéphane Dées; and Jean-Pierre Laffargue, (2003), "A computional general equilibrium model with vintage capital", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 27 (11-12), pp 1961-1991.
Cadiou, Loïc; Stéphane Dées; and Jean-Pierre Laffargue, (2000), "A Computional General Equilibrium Model with Vintage Capital", CEPII, document de travail no 2000-20, Paris, France. (
Cadiou, Loïc; Stéphane Dées; Stéphanie Guichard; Arjan Kadareja; Jean-Pierre Laffargue; and Bronka Rzepkowski, (2001), "MARMOTTE A Multinational Model", CEPII, document de travail no 01-15, Paris, France. (
Cappelen, Å. and R. Choudhury (2006): "A small macroeconomic model for Malawi," Documents 2006/3, Statistics Norway.
Cappelen, Å. and R. Choudhury (2004): "The Future of the Saudi Arabian Economy: Possible Effects on the World Oil Market," Chapter 2 in D. Heradsveit and H. Hveem (eds.): Oil in the Gulf: Obstacles to Democracy and Development, Ashgate Publishing, USA, 2004, pp 41-62.
Cappelen, Å. and R. Choudhury (2000): "The Future of the Saudi Arabian Economy. Possible Effects on the World Oil Market," Reports 2000/7, Statistics Norway.
Cappelen, Å., R. Choudhury and P.R. Johansen (1998): "The Selection Model of Saudi Arabia. Revised Version 1998," Documents 98/6, Statistics Norway.
Cappelen, Å., R. Choudhury and T. Eika (1996): "The Oil Industry and the Norwegian Economy 1973-1993," Social and Economic Studies 93, Statistics Norway.
Cappelen, Ådne and Svein Longva, (1987), "MODAG A: A Medium-term Macroeconomic Model of the Norwegian Economy," Reprint Series No. 24, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Macroeconomic Medium-Term Models in the Nordic Countries, Eds. O. Bjerkholt and J. Rosted, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Carnot, Nicolas, (2001), "The Model MANEGE: Structure & Equations," Working Paper June 2001, Direction de la Prévision, Paris. (
Carnot, Nicolas, (2003), "MANEGE: a small macro-econometric model of the French economy," Economic Modelling, 20, January 2003, pp 6992. (
Cazes, Sandrine, Thierry Chauveau, Jacques Le Cacheux, and Rahim Loufir, (1992), "An overlapping-generations, general equilibrium model of the French economy for studying the long-run prospects of the public pension scheme", Document de travail No 925, Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Economiques, Paris.
Chiarini, Bruno, (1992), "Specification, Estimation and Simulation of a Small Econometric Model with Rational Expectations," Quardeni Ise N. 72, Istituto di Studi Economici, Libera Universita' Internazionale Degli Studi Sociali, Roma
Choucri, Nazli; and Robert C. North, (1975), Nations in Conflict: National Growth and International Violence, W.H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco.
Choudhury, R. (1996), "The OM95 An Oil Model for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Technical Documentation of Computer programs and Procedures," Documents 96/11, Statistics Norway.
Choudhury, R. (1996), "The Selection Model. Technical Documentation of Computer programs and Procedures," Documents 96/10, Statistics Norway.
Choudhury, R.; T. Eika and L. Haakonsen (1999), "KVARTS in practice II. Systems and routines in the everyday use," Notater 1999/85, Statistics Norway.
Choudhury. R. and M. Rolland: Country Report: Norway. Project LINK Meeting, October 7-11, 2002.
Clark, P.; and D. Laxton, (1997), "Phillips Curves, Phillips Lines, and the Unemployment Cost of Overheating," Discussion Paper no. 344, Centre for Economic Performance.
Clark, Peter B.; Douglas Laxton, and David Rose, (1995), "Capacity Constraints, Inflation, and the Transmission Mechanism: Forward-Looking versus Myopic Policy Rules," International Monetary Fund Working Paper WP/95/75.
Clark, Peter; Douglas Laxton, and David Rose, (1996), "Asymmetry in the U.S. Output-Inflation Nexus," International Monetary Fund Staff Papers Vol. 43 No. 1.
Coletti, Donald; Benjamin Hunt, David Rose, and Robert Tetlow, (1996), "The Bank of Canadas New Quarterly Projection Model; Part 3, The Dynamic Model," QPM Technical Report no. 75, Bank of Canada, Ottawa.
Commission of the European Community, "The Economics of 1992," European Economy, No. 35, Brussels, 1988.
Coorey, Sharmini, (1990), "Foreign Exchange Rationing in an Exchange Control Regime," Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Debelle, Guy; and Douglas Laxton, (1996), "Is the Phillips Curve Really a Curve? Some Evidence for Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States," International Monetary Fund Working Paper WP/96/111.
Dennis, J.E. Jr., D.M. Gay, and R.E. Welsch, (1981a), "An Adaptive Nonlinear Least-Squares Algorithm," ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 7, 3, pp 348368.
Dennis, J.E. Jr., D.M. Gay, and R.E. Welsch, (1981b), "Algorithm 573 NL2SOL An Adaptive Nonlinear Least-Squares Algorithm," ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 7, 3, pp 369383.
Dennis, J.E. and R.E. Welsch, (1978), "Techniques for Nonlinear Least Squares and Robust Regression," Communications in Statistics, B7, 4, p. 345359.
Deutsche Bundesbank, (1986), "External Influences on the Current Account and Domestic Trends in the Econometric Model of the Deutsche Bundesbank," Monthly Report, Vol. 38, No. 7.
Deutsche Bundesbank, (1987), "Determinants of the German Current Account 1984 to 1987. Results of an Econometric Analysis," Monthly Report, Vol. 40, No. 5.
Deutsche Bundesbank, (1988), "Macro-Economic Forecasting with the Econometric Model of the Deutsche Bundesbank," Monthly Report, Vol. 41, No. 5.
Dieppe, Alistair; and Jérôme Henry, (2004), "The euro area viewed as a single economy: how does it respond to shocks?," Economic Modelling, 21, September 2004, pp 833875.
Drew, Aaron; Viv B. Hall; C. John McDermott; and Robert St. Clair, (2004), "Would adopting the Australian dollar provide superior monetary policy in New Zealand?," Economic Modelling, 21-6, pp 949-964.
Edison, Hali J., (1986), "The U.K. Sector of the Federal Reserve's Multicountry Model: The Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policies," Manchester School, December 1986, pp 403419.
Edison, Hali J., (1990), "Exchange Rate Effects of Fiscal Policy: Cointegration and Error Correction," Journal of Foreign Exchange and International Finance, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp 206219.
Edison, Hali J. and Matt Cazoneri, (1990), "A New Interpretation of the Coordination Problem and Its Empirical Significance," in Monetary Aggregates and Financial Sector Behavior in Interdependent Economies, Eds. P. Hooper et al, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C.
Edison, Hali J., William Helkie, Jaime Marquez, and Ralph Tryon, (1988), "Monetary Policy Effects on Income, Prices and the External Balance: A Comparative Analysis of Simulations of Three Multi-Country Models," in Papers and Proceedings of the Fourth EPA International Symposium: Global and Domestic Policy Implications of Correcting External Imbalances, March 1988.
Edison, Hali J., Jaime R. Marquez, and Ralph W. Tryon, (1987), "The Structure and Properties of the FRB Multicountry Model," Economic Modelling, 4, April 1987, pp 115315.
Edison, Hali J., Marcus H. Miller, and John Williamson, (1987), "On Evaluating and Extending the Target Zone Proposal," Journal of Policy Modeling, Spring 1987, pp 199224.
Edison, Hali J. and Erling Vardal, (1987), "Optimal Currency Basket in a World of Generalized Floating: An Application to the Nordic Countries," International Journal of Forecasting, May 1987, pp 8196.
Edison, Hali J. and Erling Vardal, (1990), "Optimal Currency Baskets for Small Well Developed Economies," The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, (forthcoming).
Eisner, Mark; and Robert S. Pindyck, (1973), "A Generalized Approach to Estimation as Implemented in the Troll/I System," Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, 2-1, pp 28-50. (
Eitrheim, Øyvind and Ragnar Nymoen, (1991), "Real wages in a multisectoral model of the Norwegian economy," Economic Modelling, 8, 1991, pp 6382.
Fagan, Gabriel; Jérôme Henry, and Ricardo Mestre, (2001), "An Area-Wide Model (AWM) for the Euro Area", ECB Working Paper No. 42, European Central Bank, Frankfurt. (
Fagan, Gabriel; Jérôme Henry, and Ricardo Mestre, (2005), "An area-wide model for the euro area", Economic Modelling, 22, January 2005, pp 39-59.
Fair, Ray C. and Lewis S. Alexander, (1986), "A Comparison of the Michigan and Fair Models: Further Results," in Model Reliability, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp 191211.
Faruqee, Hamid; Douglas Laxton, and Steve Symansky, (1996), "Government Debt, Life-Cycle Income and Liquidity Constraints: Beyond Approximate Ricardian Equivalence," International Monetary Fund Working Paper WP/96/40.
Faust, Jon; and Ralph Tryon, (1995), "Block Distributed Methods for Solving Multi-Country Econometric Models," International Finance Discussion Papers, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Number 516, July 1995.
Faust, Jon; and Ralph Tryon, (1996), "Block Distributed Methods for Solving Multi-Country Econometric Models," in Computational Economic Systems: Models, Methods and Econometrics, Ed. Manfred Gilli, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
Freedman, David A. and Stephen C. Peters, (1984), "Bootstrapping a Regression Equation: Some Empirical Results," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 79, pp 97106.
Frenger, Petter, (1985a), "A Short Run Dynamic Equilibrium Model of the Norwegian Production Sectors," Discussion Paper No. 4, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo.
Frenger, Petter, (1985b), "Using the Directional Shadow Elasticity of Substitution to Measure the Concavity of the Cost Function," Economic Letters, 19, pp 171175, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Frenkel, Jacob A., Assaf Razin, and Steve Symansky (1989), "International Spillovers of Taxation," Working Paper Series, 2927, National Bureau of Economic Research Inc., Cambridge, MA.
Frenkel, Jacob A., Morris Goldstein, and Paul R. Masson, (1989), "Simulating the Effects of Some Simple Coordinated Versus Uncoordinated Policy," Macroeconomic Policies in an Interdependent World, Eds. Ralph Bryant et al, International Monetary Fund.
Fujiwara, Ippei; Naoko Hara, Yasuo Hirose, and Yuki Teranishi, (2004), "The Japanese Economic Model: JEM," Bank of Japan Working Paper Series No.04-E-3, Tokyo. (
Gallo, Giampiero M., and Manfred H. Gilli, (1990), "How to Strip a Model to its Essential Elements," Computer Science in Economics and Management 3, pp 199-214.
Garbely, M. and M. Gilli, (1990), "A Comment: On the Number of Nonzero Eigenvalues of a Dynamic Linear Econometric Model," Empirical Economics, 15, pp 99104.
Gilli, Manfred, (1992), "Causal Ordering and Beyond," International Economic Review, 33, 1992, pp 957971
Gilli, Manfred, and Giorgio Pauletto, (1998), "Krylov methods for solving models with forward-looking variables," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 22 (8-9), pp 1275-1289.
Greene, Mark N., E. Philip Howrey, and Saul H. Hymans, (1986), "The Use of Outside Information in Econometric Forecasting," in Model Reliability, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp 90116.
Grønvik, Gunnvald, (1983), "A Basket Within the Basket: Reflections on the Nordic Currency Baskets," Economic Bulletin, LIV, pp 2048, Norges Bank, Oslo.
Grønvik, Gunnvald, (1991), "The Transition from Regulated to Free Credit Markets: The Norwegian Case," Arbeidsnotat, 1991/8, Research Department, Norges Bank, Oslo.
Hall, Stephen; and Steven Symansky, (1999), "Modifying the Rational Expectations Assumption in a Large World Model," in Analyses in Macroeconomic Modelling, Ed. Andrew Hughes Hallett and Peter McAdam, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
Heilemann, Ullrich, (1993), "Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der strukturellen Sensitivitätsanalyse ökonometrischer Modelle (Feasibility and Limits of Structural Sensitivity Analysis in Econometric Modeling)," Jahrb. f. Nationalök. u. Stat., 212/12 1992, pp 3357
Heilemann, Ullrich and Heinz Josef Münch, (1992), "Understanding Macroeconomic Models: Structural Sensitivity Analysis of a Medium-Sized Model," Computer Science in Economics and Management, 5, 1992, pp 247270
Haque, Nadeem Ul, Peter Monteil, and Steven Symansky, (1989), "A Forward-Looking Macroeconomic Simulation Model for a Developing Country," International Monetary Fund Working Paper, WP/89/53, (unpublished).
Hoaglin, David and Roy E. Welsch, (1978), "The Hat Matrix in Regression and ANOVA," The American Statistician, 32, pp 1722, and Corrigenda, 32, p. 146.
Hoel, Michael and Ragnar Nymoen, (1988), "Wage Formation in Norwegian Manufacturing An Empirical Application of a Theoretical Bargaining Model," European Economic Review, 32, 1988, pp 977997.
Hoel, Michael and Ragnar Nymoen, (1988), "The Supply Side of RIKMOD: Short-run Producer Behaviour in a Model of Monopolistic Competition," Economic Modelling, 5, 1988, pp 5870.
Holland, P.W. and R.E. Welsch, (1977), "Robust Regression Using Iteratively Reweighted Least-Squares," Communications in Statistics, A6, pp 813827.
Hollinger, Peter, (1996), "The Stacked-Time Simulator in TROLL: A Robust Algorithm for Solving Forward-Looking Models", presented at the Second International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Geneva, Switzerland, 2628 June 1996, Intex Solutions, Inc., Needham, MA.
Hollinger, Peter, (2000), "Beyond Newton: Robust Methods for Large Nonlinear Models in TROLL", presented at the Sixth International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 68 July 2000, Intex Solutions, Inc., Needham, MA.
Hollinger, Peter, (2008), "How TROLL Solves a Million Equations: Sparse-Matrix Techniques for Stacked-Time Solution of Perfect-Foresight Models", presented at the 14th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Paris, France, 2628 June 2008, Intex Solutions, Inc., Needham, MA. (
Holmøy, Erling, and Haakon Vennemo, (1995) "A general equilibrium assessment of a suggested reform in capital income taxation," Journal of Policy Modelling 17(6), 531556.
Hunt, Benjamin, David Rose, and Alasdair Scott, (2000), "The core model of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's Forecasting and Policy System," Economic Modelling, 17, April 2000, pp 247274.
Hunt, Benjamin; and Douglas Laxton, (2003), "Some simulation properties of the major euro area economies in MULTIMOD," IMF Working Paper WP/03/31, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC. (
Hunt, Benjamin; and Douglas Laxton, (2004), "Some simulation properties of the major euro area economies in MULTIMOD," Economic Modelling, 21, September 2004, pp 759783.
Hymans, Saul H., Joan P. Crary, E. Philip Howrey, and Janet C. Wolfe, (1989), "The Michigan Quarterly Econometric Model of the U.S. Economy," CREST-RSQE Discussion Papers, Department of Economics, University of Michigan.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, (1985), China, Economic Model and Projections (Annex 4 to: China, Long-Term Development Issues and Options), The World Bank, Washington, DC.
Jahnke, Wilfried, (1990a), "Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Policy: Some Simulation Results," in Prospects and Limits of Simulation Models in Tax and Transfer Policy, Eds. J.K. Brunner, H.-G. Petersen, Frankfurt/New York.
Jahnke, Wilfried, (1990b), "Gesamtwirtschaftliche Wirkungen der Bevölkerungsentwicklung bis zum Jahre 2000 Simulationsergebnisse mit einem makroökonometrischen Modell für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland," in Bevölkerung und Wirtschaft, Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Ed. B. Felderer, Duncker und Humblodt, Berlin.
Jahnke, Wilfried, (1991), "Geldpolitik und monetärer Transmissionsprozeß im ökonometrischen Modell der Deutschen Bundesbank," Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Geld und Währung Working Papers, Nr. 21.
Jeanfils, Philippe and Koen Burggraeve, (2005), "Noname A new quarterly model for Belgium," Working paper 68, National Bank of Belgium. (
Jeanfils, Philippe and Koen Burggraeve, (2008), "NONAME: A new quarterly model for Belgium," Economic Modelling, 25-1, pp 118127.
Juillard, Michel, (1999), "The Dynamical Analysis of Forward-Looking Models," in Analyses in Macroeconomic Modelling, Ed. Andrew Hughes Hallett and Peter McAdam, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
Juillard, Michel; and Douglas Laxton, (1996), "A Robust and Efficient Method for Solving Nonlinear Rational Expectations Models," International Monetary Fund Working Paper WP/96/106.
Juillard, Michel; Douglas Laxton, Peter McAdam, and Hope Pioro, (1998), "An Algorithm Competition: First-Order Iterations Versus Newton-Based Techniques," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 22 (8-9), pp 1291-1318.
Juillard, Michel; Douglas Laxton, Peter McAdam, and Hope Pioro, (1999), "Solution Methods and Non-Linear Forward-Looking Models," in Analyses in Macroeconomic Modelling, Ed. Andrew Hughes Hallett and Peter McAdam, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
Kolsrud, Dag, (1993), "Stochastic Simulation of RIMINI 2.0," Arbeidsnotat, 1993/6, Research Department, Norges Bank, Oslo.
Kolsrud, Dag, (1993), "Stochastic Simulation of KVARTS91," Reports, 93/20, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo.
Kolsrud, Dag, (1996), "Documentation of Computer Programs that Extend the SEEM Model and Provide a Link to the RAINS Model," Documents, 96/1, Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo.
Kortelainen, Mika, (2001), "Actual and perceived monetary policy rules in a dynamic general equilibrium model of the euro area," Bank of Finland Discussion Papers 32001, Helsinki. (
Kortelainen, Mika, (2001), "Edge: a model of the euro area with applications to monetary policy," Bank of Finland Studies E:232002, Helsinki. . (
Krasker, W.S., E. Kuh, and R.E. Welsch, (1983), "Estimation for Dirty Data and Flawed Models," Handbook of Econometrics, Vol. 1, Eds. Z. Griliches and M.D. Intriligator, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp 651698.
Krasker, W.S. and R.E. Welsch, (1982), "Efficient Bounded-Influence Regression Estimation," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 77, pp 595604.
Krasker, W.S. and Roy E. Welsch, (1983), "The Use of Bounded-Influence Regression in Data Analysis: Theory, Computation and Graphics," in Computer Science and Statistics: Fourteenth Symposium on the Interface, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 4551.
Krasker, W.S. and R.E. Welsch, (1985), "Resistant Estimation for Simultaneous-Equation Models Using Weighted Instrumental Variables," Econometrica, 53, pp 14751488.
Kuh, E. and J. Neese, (1982), "Econometric Model Diagnostics," in Evaluating the Reliability of Macro-Economic Models, Eds. Gregory C. Chow and Paolo Corsi, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1982.
Kuh, Edwin, John Neese, and Peter Hollinger, (1985), Structural Sensitivity in Econometric Models, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Kuh, Edwin, John Neese, and Peter Hollinger, (1986), "Linear Analysis of Large Nonlinear Models and Model Simplification," in Model Reliability, The MIT Press, Cambridge MA, pp 213239.
Kuh, Edwin and Roy E. Welsch, (1980), "Econometric Models and Their Assessment for Policy: Some New Diagnostics Applied to the Translog Energy Demand in Manufacturing," in Proceedings of the Workshop on Validation and Assessment Issues of Energy Models, Ed. S. Gass, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, pp 445475.
Kumhof, Michael; Douglas Laxton, and Daniel Leigh, (2010), "To Starve or not to Starve the Beast?," International Monetary Fund Working Paper WP/10/199, Washington, DC. (
Laffargue, Jean-Pierre, (2000), "The Blanchard and Kahns conditions in macro-econometric models with perfect foresight", presented at the Sixth International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 68 July 2000, CEPREMAP, Paris, France. (
Laffargue, Jean-Pierre, (2004), "A sufficient condition for the existence and the uniqueness of a solution in macroeconomic models with perfect foresight," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28 (10), pp 1955-1975.
Laxton, Douglas, (2008), "Getting to Know the Global Economy Model and Its Philosophy," IMF Staff Papers Vol. 55, No. 2, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC. (
Laxton, Douglas; Peter Isard, Hamid Faruqee, Eswar Prasad, and Bart Turtelboom, (1998), "MULTIMOD Mark III: The Core Dynamic and Steady-State Models," Occasional Paper 164, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC. (
Laxton, Douglas; and Eswar Prasad, (1997), "Possible Effects of European Monetary Union on Switzerland: A case study of Policy Dilemmas Caused by Low Inflation and the Nominal Interest Rate Floor," International Monetary Fund Working Paper WP/97/23.
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